Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar

Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar was a robotics engineer responsible for the creation of the Metal Gear TX-55 prototype in Outer Heaven and its successor, Metal Gear D in Zanzibar Land.

In 1995, he was captured and forced to make war machines for Big Boss in Outer Heaven while Madnar's daughter Ellen was also held hostage. He informed Solid Snake of Metal Gear's weakness after Snake rescued his daughter.

Four years later, Dr. Madnar met with Snake in Zanzibar Land, and appeared to have been taken prisoner along with Dr. Kio Marv. In reality, Dr. Madnar was in Zanzibar Land voluntarily, overseeing the development of the new Metal Gear D. He did this because he was rejected by the American scientific community due to his radical theories and was dimissed as a madman as a result.

He was the one who orchestrated Dr. Marv's kidnapping, and eventual death. Snake learned the truth from Holly, and confronted him. He attacked Snake, but was easily defeated.
A bit later, apparantly out of guilt for his actions after Snake retrieved the MSX cartridge, Dr. Madnar told him how to destroy the Metal Gear D. However, Snake fell down a trap door.

e somehow survived after Zanzibar Land and went into hiding, living a life of seclusion, quietly working on his robotics. Sometime between the events of The Manhattan Incident and the events of Guns of the Patroits in 2014, Dr. Madnar saved Raiden's life after he was turned into a cyborg by the Patriots.