Monday, November 24, 2008

Memorable MGS3 Quotes

The Boss: I raised you, and loved you, I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There's nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take is my life.

Colonel Volgin: Kuwabara, Kuwabara.
[Volgin's body sparkles from electric bolts]
Colonel Volgin: Ah, what a joyful scene.
The Boss: Colonel Volgin...
Colonel Volgin: Welcome to my country, and to my unit.

Para-Medic: Snake, look at your body!
Naked Snake: Yep... lookin' good.
Para-Medic: Not there.
Naked Snake: Then where?
Para-Medic: You have leeches all over your body!

Ocelot: What's your name?
Naked Snake: Snake.
Ocelot: No, not that name. You're not a snake, and I'm not an ocelot. We're men with names. My name... is Adamska. And you?
Naked Snake: John.
Ocelot: Plain name. But I won't forget it.

EVA: OK, your Raikov disguise is complete. Now they won't stop you no matter what you do.
Naked Snake: Even if I punch someone in the face?
EVA: Right.
Naked Snake: Really?
EVA: Really.
Naked Snake: Why?
EVA: Raikov's just that kind of guy.

Ocelot: [Snake, surrounded by the Ocelot unit, assumes his CQC fighting stance] What is that stance? And that gun?
[the Ocelot unit all laugh at Snake]
Ocelot: [Ocelot flips out his gun and catches it with his right hand] If you're not The Boss... then die!
[Ocelot pulls the trigger, but his gun jams, then Snake proceeds to take down him and every GRU surrounding him]
Naked Snake: You ejected the first bullet by hand, didn't you? I see what you were trying to do, but testing a technique you've only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you. Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place; you tend to twist your elbow a little to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique.
Ocelot: [pulls out a knife] You... filthy American dog!
[attacks Snake, but Snake easily takes him down]
Naked Snake: But, that was some fancy shooting. You're pretty good.
Ocelot: Pretty good...

Ocelot: I don't approve of your methods!
Colonel Volgin: I wasn't aware my methods needed your approval! I'm in control here!
Ocelot: And that nuclear shell...
Colonel Volgin: Still feeling sore about that? What are you gonna do? Report it to the authorities?

The Boss: Life's end...
[drops the Davy Crockett]
The Boss: Isn't it beautiful? It's almost tragic. When life ends, it gives off a final lingering aroma. Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die. I've been waiting, Snake, for a long time. Waiting for your birth, your growth, and the finality of today.

The Pain: I am the Pain! I shall send you to a world of anguish beyond your imagination! Let's get started!

The Fury: I am the Fury... The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back from space, and as I returned, I had one vision... the world set ablaze! And do you know what I saw? Fury! A great and terrible fury at being alive! Now you will feel the scorching heat of that horrible blackness!

The Fear: I... am the Fear... I shall fill you with fear as you have never experienced before! Come into my web...

The End: ...I have slept... long enough for one day... I have slept enough... for a eternity... I thank you... if you hadn't showed up, I would've slept forever... Now, spirits, grant me the strength to finish this... one... final prey... do you hear me, Snake? I am the End! I am here to send you to your ultimate fate...

Naked Snake: Home in time for dinner.
Major Zero: But if you fail you'll be eating breakfeast, lunch, and all the rest of your meals in the jungle.

Naked Snake: I'm glad I'm not as strange as the Major.
Para-Medic: The majors not strange...
Major Zero: [in background] My tea's gone! Who's drunk it? How am I supposed to have teatime without tea?
Para-Medic: Well, not that strange...
Major Zero: [in background] My scone's gone too!

Sigint: Snake, why are you smoking a cigarette?
Naked Snake: It's a cigar.
Sigint: Cigar, cigarette, same thing.
Naked Snake: It's *not* the same thing!

Sigint: Snake, what's up? Why are you naked? I know there's a "NAKED" option under "UNIFORM" that lets you take off the upper part of your uniform. But without a shirt on, your camouflage sucks, and your stamina goes down faster. You don't get any advantages whatsoever.
Naked Snake: Sure there are.
Sigint: Like what?
Naked Snake: It feels good.
Sigint: ...Man, you do whatever you want.
Naked Snake: I will, thanks. Just one question, though.
Sigint: What?
Naked Snake: Is there a way to take off my pants?
Sigint: Say what?
Naked Snake: My pants, can I...
Sigint: Aw, hell no! This FOX unit is a nut fest!

Colonel Campbell: [after "accidentally" killing Ocelot] Snake, what have you done? You've changed history. You've created a Time Paradox!

Para-Medic: [On the radio] Snake, have you seen "007: From Russia with Love"?
Naked Snake: I don't like those movie. Real spies are nothing like James Bond. It's pure fantasy.
Para-Medic: Snake, I don't think the Major's going to like you saying that.
Naked Snake: And even though it's fiction. I can't help but comparing myself to Bond.
Major Zero: What exactly don't you like about James Bond? Is it the fantastic gadgets? The cars? The guns?
Naked Snake: Major...!
Major Zero: Snake, wouldn't you like to have a gun shaped like a pen?
Naked Snake: What good is a pen going to do me in the jungle? I'd look like a fool.
Major Zero: Then what about a snake-shaped gun? You could make it look like you're grappling with a giant snake and then get a shot in on the enemy while they're distracted.
Naked Snake: Ok, now you're being ridiculous.

Naked Snake: EVA, about the contents of the backpack you got for me...
EVA: Is there something missing?
Naked Snake: Yeah, all of my food.
EVA: It wasn't me! All those snakes and crocodiles and suspicious-looking mushrooms... I wouldn't eat that stuff even if you paid me!
Naked Snake: So who was it?
EVA: It was Ocelot.
Naked Snake: Ocelot?
EVA: He said he wanted to eat the same things you did.
Naked Snake: Why would he do that?
EVA: You haven't figured it out?
Naked Snake: No.
EVA: You are dense.

Para-Medic: I think it really does look good. It reminds me of "The Alligator People."
Naked Snake: Oh... the what?
Para-Medic: "The Alligator People." It's a science fiction movie. You've never heard of it?
Naked Snake: No.
Para-Medic: Oh... well you should see it sometime. It's about this guy who gets hurt in a car accident and tries to heal his wounds by injecting himself with a crocodile serum, but then his head turns into a crocodile head. You look just like him with that mask on. That's awesome.
Naked Snake: Right.