Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Philosophers

The Philosophers were a secret group of the most wealthy and powerful minds from the United States, Russia, and China formed after the first World War. In theory, these three groups were already driving political forces in their respective countries. This first group of members was named the Wisemen's Committee. Their assembly pooled their wealth and, for several decades, established a unseen union between the three nations.

Colonel Volgin's father, through some illegitimate means, was able to secure the legacy almost in entirety, and Volgin inherited it. It was the Legacy that enabled him to build his fortress, Groznyj Grad, and many projects, including the Shagohod. His resources were practically unlimited.

With the death of the Wisemen's Committee, tensions rose between the nations and among the Philosophers. Which was cause and which was effect is unclear; either discord among the Philosophers caused the Cold War between the nations, or the Cold War between the nations caused discord among the Philosophers. Either ways, the loss of the legacy and breakdown of allegiance disbanded the Philosophers in most respects. Each nation retained its own remaining 'Philosophers.' After attaining the Philosophers' Legacy via Philosophers sleeper agent Ocelot as well as their destruction and later reorganization under Major Zero, the American Philosophers became known as The Patriots, and they continued their omnipotence over the American government and way of life, eventually gaining worldwide influence; Zero's misinterpretation of the Boss's wish for a united world led him to become as tyrannical as the organization he had overthrown.