Monday, April 6, 2009

Marionette Owl

Marionette Owl is a member of Black Chamber who, due to a genetic mutation, was born with night vision on par with that of an owl. As a result, he is skilled in nocturnal combat and is a master of the silent kill, however, because his eyes shimmer in the dark like a cat's, he wears tinted goggles. He always carries a pair of Japanese Bunraku dolls, named Osan and Koharu , which he compulsively takes apart and puts back together during any free time he has. In truth, the marionettes were crafted from the severed limbs of victims he murdered while living in the United States as a serial killer known to the media as "Spectre" and "The Spectre Killer". He slayed numerous women and was featured on the Most Wanted list until he was cornered by the FBI, when Black Arts Viper recruited him into Black Chamber.