29th of April... Two years ago, terrorists blew up the oil tanker 'Discovery'. The government swiftly erected a barrier to contain the spreading oil slick threatening the Manhattan coast. A vast cleaning plant was established in the centre of this barrier: 'Big Shell'. It did not take long for the Big Shell to become a symbol of the need for environmental protection. Around six hours ago, however, the plant was taken over by a terrorist group know as 'The Dead Cell'. During an inspection tour by the US President they seized the opportunity to take him hostage.
The first thing you want to do in this room is flip over the railing and climb past the chain link fence, then jump back up and pick up the SHAVER. Jump into the water and climb back out using the ladder. Go up the steps and open the middle locker to find a RATION. Open the door and go down the corridor into the next room. Watch the cut-scene and then go over and log into the Node, which looks like a computer. Once you've finished entering your details, the unconscious guards will start to wake up, so hide somewhere. When they start patrolling again, quickly sneak past them and enter the lift.
Pick up the BANDAGE and go over to the chain link fence in the upper left hand corner. Crawl through the hole in the fence and go through the nearby door.
Go down the stairs and watch the cut-scene that shows you where the Node is. Knock on the wall to distract the guard, sneak past him and go and log in at the Node. When you're done, exit through the door on the left.
Watch the cut-scene, then do as the Colonel suggests by hanging over the side and shimmying past the guard. Flip back over and go through the door at the other end.
Walk forward and watch the very long cut-scene. When it's over, go back down the stairs where Pliskin is and log into the Node. Pick up the SOCOM AMMO then go back up the stairs and through the door at the other end of the room.
Watch another cut-scene then cross the bridge, picking up the CHAFF GRENADES on the way.
Walk down the corridor and a cut-scene will start. You'll receive the COOLANT SPRAY, SENSOR A and a LEVEL 1 CARD KEY. Once the cut-scene is over, go to the other end of the room and log in at the Node. Leave the room and go back down the corridor and go into the toilets on the right. Approach the mirror, equip the COOLANT SPRAY, look up into the right-hand corner and spray the bomb until it is defused. Leave the toilets and go back up the corridor and leave through the door at the other end.
Run across the bridge, but be cautious as there is a security camera. Enter the door into the next area.
Go down the steps and shoot the guard. Now go down the next set of stairs and round to the Node. Log in then go all the way round the other side. Open the hatch to find the bomb and use the COOLANT SPRAY on it. Once it's defused, go back up the stairs, round to the right and through the door.
Go down the stairs to the lower level of the bridge to avoid the guard looking down from the opposite roof. Cross the bridge, pick up the STUN GRENADES and SOCOM AMMO, then go up the stairs and through the door that leads into the next area.
Crawl across the room to reach the Node in the top left corner and log in. Now carefully head towards the stairs on the left side of the room and go down them to pick up the MINE DETECTOR. Head back up the stairs and go to the opposite side of the room where you will find some stairs - go up these and go through the door.
Walk forward and around the corner to watch a cut-scene. Go up the large flight of stairs onto the heliport. Go up to the Harrier jet and crawl under it to find the next bomb. Freeze it with the COOLANT SPRAY. Head back down the stairs and through the door back into the Parcel Room. Then go through the door at the bottom.
Look out for the Cyphers on this bridge and activate the MINE DETECTOR. Before you get too far across, turn around, look up and shoot the guard looking down before he spots you. Crawl along the ground to pick up the mines before going through the door at the other end. If the Cyphers are getting on your nerves, use a CHAFF GRENADE to jam their electronics. Unfortunately this makes your MINE DETECTOR useless. To get around this, simply crawl the entire length of the bridge and any mines you encounter will automatically be picked up. Easy!
Look out for the guard and go round the corner to the left. You can see the room below - behind the crates on the left is the next C4 bomb. Flip over the rail above the bomb and drop down between the crates. Now use the COOLANT SPRAY on it then climb out of the stack of crates. Go down the corridor and into the small room on the left to find a Node. Log in. Make sure you don't go straight to the left after exiting the crate heap, or you will find yourself on the F-A CONNECTING BRIDGE, but there is something we need to do first. Anyway, after logging in, pick up the items in the Warehouse. Make sure you visit the upstairs section and search the rooms for the M9. After picking up the tranquilliser, go through either door on the left (one upstairs and one downstairs) into the next section.
Now that we're here, cross the bridge quickly, shooting both the Cypher and the guard on the way. Be sure to pick up the CHAFF GRENADES from the lower level along the way.
Once back in here again, head towards the bottom of the screen. Use your CARD KEY on the door and enter the next room. Go down the right-hand side and go over the small flight of steps next to the pipes. Crawl left under the pipes. When you reach a red pipe, crawl down, following the red pipe. Here you will find the next bomb, so use the COOLANT CPRAY on it. Once you've frozen it, watch the Codec conversation. Once it has finished, exit the room and go through the top-left hand door onto the A-B CONNECTING BRIDGE.
Quickly shoot the guards with your new M9. Be sure to shoot them in the head, and make sure you take them both out before you get spotted. Go through the door at the end.
Head down the corridor and into the room where you first met Pliskin. Head to the top of the room near the door and examine the fuse box. You will notice that one of the doors is up against the wall next to the door. Give it a good kick and it should fall down, revealing the next C4 bomb. Once again, use the COOLANT SPRAY on it. After the Codec conversation, head past the next area (B-C CONNECTIGN BRIDGE) and enter STRUT C, DINING HALL.
Head into the room where you met Peter Stillman and go into the pantry he was hiding in to find SENSOR B. After the Codec conversation, you will have 400 seconds to head over to STRUT A, DEEP SEA DOCK. If you've forgotten how to get there, run back to STRUT A, PUMP ROOM and go up the stairs onto STRUT A, ROOF. Get on the elevator and you will be taken down to STRUT A, DEEP SEA DOCK. Run through the storage room into the very first room you started in (the one where you found the SHAVER). Try and be very quick getting there, because if you don't make it, you'll be sleeping with the fish in the sea. In other words, you're dead! Once there, look under the mini-sub above the pool of water to find the bomb, so use the COOLANT SPRAY on it. Once the Codec conversation is over, head into the storage room (the one with the first Node) for your second Boss fight against Fortune.
This is a strange fight, as Fortune can't be killed, so all you have to do is survive. She'll fire electric pulses in your direction that will destroy whatever you happen to be hiding behind, so keep moving at all times. Try to keep out of Fortune's vision as much as you can, and NEVER STAND STILL. There is some SOCOM AMMO dotted about to try and lure you into Fortune's vision, so just ignore them as you'll just get blown to bits. Once you get a Codec call from the Colonel about Fatman, then the fight will be over.
Once the cut-scene is over and you're on the roof, you will have another 400 seconds to reach STRUT E, HELIPORT. Before you move, however, equip your MINE DETECTOR as mines have been placed on the roof. Make your way quickly to STRUT E (press START to bring up the map screen if you get lost.
Once you get up here by going through the Parcel Room, head up to the Heliport by going up the stairs. Pick up the SOCOM AMMO and approach the bomb in the centre of the Heliport and use the COOLANT SPRAY on it. You will now be thrown into your next Boss fight with Fatman.
What kind of a name is Fatman anyway? Fatman will randomly place a few C4 bombs around the roof and you must use SENSOR A to find them and use the COOLANT SPRAY to defuse them before the time runs out, so keep on your toes. Once you've finished with the bombs, follow Fatman around. When he stops for a breather , use the opportunity to blast away at his head until he falls over. Once he's on the floor, fire a few rounds into his skull. When he gets up, he'll skate off and he may plant some more bombs - so be alert. Keep doing this over and over until he falls over and a cut-scene will start. During the fight, he may pull out a gun and shoot at you, so have your RATIONS equipped. Once the cut-scene is over, you will realise that there is one more bomb. To find it, pick up Fatman and drag him away to find a large bomb underneath him. When you drop him, pick up Peter Stillman's Dog Tag and use the COOLANT SPRAY on the bomb, then watch the Codec conversation.
Head towards the stairs and a cut-scene will start in which you meet the mysterious Ninja, Mr. X. He'll give you a LEVEL 2 CARD KEY, B.D.U., and a CELL PHONE. Once the cut-scene is over, head back to the Parcel Room.
Avoid the guards and head through the door at the bottom onto the E-F CONNECTING BRIDGE.
Avoid or shoot the annoying Cyphers and go through the door on the other side of the bridge.
There are now three rooms in here that you can access using the LEVEL 2 CARD KEY, two on the upper level and one on the lower level. Head round the corner to the first room and collect the C4 and CLAYMORES from inside. Now exit the room and head over to the left to find the other room which contains the M4, M4 AMMO and PSG1 AMMO. Head downstairs and through the door immediately at the bottom. Inside this room you'll find the AKS-74u, AKS-74u AMMO, SOCOM AMMO and M4 AMMO. Now go back upstairs and through the door to the bridge.
Once again look out for the Cyphers and when you're halfway across go left towards the core. The bridge will collapse as you go across but as long as you keep running you won't fall. Pick up the AKS-74u AMMO, then equip the B.D.U. and AKS-74u before going through the door.
Head left into the corridor and through the door at the bottom. Log into the Node in this room and pick up the CHAFF GRENADES, M4 AMMO, M9 AMMO, CLAYMORE, BOOK and C4. Now go through the door and head up the corridor, go into the left and press the button for B2.
Head through one of the doors and down to the computer room. First log into the Node in the top right-hand corner of the room and pick up BOX 4, AKS-74u AMMO and the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE over on the left and the BANDAGE from beneath the desk. Now return to the lift and press the button for B1.
Head right into the small room and log into the Node. Exit the room, grab the patrolling guard from behind and drag him over to the retinal scanner. Watch the cut-scene and you'll find yourself in the hall where the hostages are being held. Go downstairs and search for Ames using the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE to listen for his pacemaker, which makes a beeping sound to accompany his heartbeat. He usually has almost-shoulder length grey hair. Unfortunately his position in the hall is random so you'll have to search yourself, just make sure that you don't let the guard see you when you're using the microphone. Once you find him press TRIANGLE to talk to him and watch the cut-scene, during which Ames will give you a LEVEL 3 CARD KEY. When it's over you'll have ten seconds to equip your AKS-74u before Ocelot arrives, but don't move anywhere or else you'll be discovered. Another cut-scene will start and when it's over you'll be back in the corridor, minus your balaclava, so the guards will shoot you on sight. Head back to the lift and go to 1F.
Shoot or avoid the guards and cameras and head back out to the bridge.
Cross the bridge, which will partially collapse again and head down to STRUT F.
You can now gain access to the three remaining rooms upstairs in this area. In them you'll find the PSG1, PSG1-T and RGB6 along with ammo for them all. Once you've picked them all up head back out to the bridge and head to STRUT D.
Go down the stairs and through the door at the top-centre.
The whole bridge is covered in Semtex bombs. Take out your PSG1 and shoot the control units to disable them. Use some PENTAZEMIN if you need it. The control units are located as follows:
- Above the door behind you. - Two at the bottom of the stairs in front of you. - On the tank on the bridge. - On the left side of the door opposite. - On the right side of the door opposite. - Behind the flag on the left. - On the Cypher flying over Shell 2. - On the left side of the bridge. - On the ledge below and to the right of the bridge.
Once they're all disabled, walk forward and a cut-scene will start. When it ends, get ready for a tough Boss fight.
Grab the STINGER and STINGER MISSILES then aim for the Harrier and let off a couple of rockets. The Harrier will fly off for brief periods then come back with all guns blazing or do a fly-by, the force of which will knock you down. It also attacks you with missiles and a mini-gun which both need to be avoided to escape serious damage. There is more cover on the lower level of the bridge, but it then makes the Harrier harder to hit. Keep hitting it with rockets until it goes down. Pliskin will throw down some RATIONS and more missiles when you need them.
The bridge is now destroyed so walk towards the rail on the right. Flip over it and shimmy along until you're over the pipe. Drop down onto it and walk along it (watch not to slip on the bird 'stuff'), before climbing up the ledge on the right at the end. Head round the side of the building on the ledge, but watch out as some sections of the walkway will collapse. Once you get round the corner flip over the fail and drop onto the bridge below.
Shoot the guards on the other section of the bridge and go along the walkway. Cartwheel over the first gap, then hang from the rail and shimmy past the second one. Climb the ladder at the end.
Head along the walkway looking out for the loose sections and avoiding the guards looking through the windows. When you come to the collapsed section around the corner, crouch and hug the wall to get past it and under the obstacle. Round the next corner a short cut-scene will show a guard bursting for a slash. He then proceeds to take one over the side, so hug the wall to avoid the stream (if you dislike Raiden like me, just run straight through it!) Go round the corner and flip over the railing to get down to the bridge.
Pick up the AKS-74u AMMO then cross the bridge and pick up the RATION from the other end. Go up the stairs, look out for the Cyphers and pick up the PSG1 AMMO and CHAFF GRENADES from the doorway of STRUT K. Now use a CHAFF GRENADE to put the Cyphers temporarily out of action then go to the bridge leading to the Shell 2 Core. Cartwheel across the first gap, flip over the rail and shimmy past the second one and enter the door to get into the Core.
Once inside you'll see some cut-scenes and Codec conversations. When you're in control again go down the stairs on the left and up again on the other side. Go up the corridor and into the room on the right to fine the Node. Enter the lift and ride it to B1.
Get out of the lift and log into the Node on the right. Now go down the stairs and into the water. Swim straight down to the end of the corridor and grab the NIKITA and use the air pocket at the top if you need to. Now swim back and return to the lift. Head back to 1F.
Go down the corridor then down the steps. Get up onto the container and fire a Nikita missile into the vent. Fly the missile through the vent and into the room where the President is. Be careful not to hit him. Aim to destroy the transformer in the corner. This will turn off the electricity on the floor leading into the room with the President allowing you to enter. Do so and watch the cut-scene in which the President gives you a LEVEL 4 CRAD KEY and the MO DISC. Exit the room and watch another long, boring cut-scene. Once it's over return to the elevator and ride it to B1.
Get back into the water and get swimming, taking the first right you come to. Take the second left, swim down the corridor and take the next left. Use any air pockets you come to. Go through the doorway on the right then go left, and then right again. Look out for the mines here and open the door at the end. In this room, make your way through the debris, using any air pockets you need to. Open the door at the end. Go up the stairs and through the door for your next Boss fight against Vamp.
First things first - don't fall in the water in the centre of the room or else you won't be coming back up. Vamp himself moves around quite a lot and can be pretty hard to hit. He will be in one of three places - in the water, on your level or on the catwalk above. When he's in the water you can try hitting him with the RGB6 but it's not easy. When he's on your level, use the NIKITA, STINGER or any other bullet-based guns. Use the same weapons if he's on the catwalk above as well. When Vamp glows red he can dodge bullet-based attacks so stick to rockets. His attacks mainly consist of throwing blades at you but when he's on your level he may charge at you and use his knife. He also has a freeze attack which can paralyse you for a few seconds, leaving you open to attack. Shoot the lights when the battle starts to stop him using this attack. Stock up on ammo and RATIONS, dodge his attacks the best you can and you'll eventually beat him. Or, you can beat him VERY EASILY, but it can be quite boring. Plant a C4 by a railing, flip over the side and wait. Vamp you approach you and crouch, ready to attack. He should be right by the C4 so detonate it, blowing him into the water. Flip back onto the catwalk, plant another C4, flip back over and wait for him again. This method can take a while, but you won't get hit very much at all.
Once the fight is over, you need to rescue Emma, so leave the room. Pick up the RATION and go down the stairs into the water. Look out for the mines and swim right through the door then go immediately right again. Take the second left and pick up the BODY ARMOUR then go back and right through the next door to find a set of stairs leading out of the water. Go through the door at the top and log into the Node. Pick up the PENTAZEMIN then open the lockers to find a BOOK, some C4 and Emma. Watch the cut-scene, then you have to guide Emma back the way you came through the water - head for the room where you fought Vamp. When you get out of the water before the room where you fought Vamp press and hold TRIANGLE to hold Emma's hand and guide her. Once inside the room watch another cut-scene. Guide her out of the room and head back to the lift. Emma can't hold her breath as long as you, so be sure to stop at every air pocket to restore your O2 gauges. When you get back to the elevator you will find that the area in front of it is infested with bugs. Pull out your COOLANT SPRAY and spray the nasty little critters until they're all gone. Once you and Emma are inside ride it up to 1F.
Take out all the guards here and lead Emma back out to the bridge that you used to get into the Core.
Shoot the Cyphers then lead Emma across the now repaired bridge. Go towards the flames and extinguish them using the COOLANT SPRAY. Now head to the door beyond where the flames were and watch the cut-scene in which Emma gives you a LEVEL 5 CARD KEY.
Pick up the SOCOM AMMO, and leave Emma here for the next bit. Proceed forward and take out the two guards. Now go back and fetch Emma. Lead her through the other door (not the one that you just came through) and you will see another cut-scene.
You must now provide covering fire for Emma as she crosses the oil fence. Use the PSG1, take some PENTAZEMIN and put on the THERMAL GOGGLES. Shoot the Claymores that are in here path, then concentrate on taking out guards and Cyphers. Emma moves very slowly and it takes her a while to get across so be patient. There are some PSG1-T bullets nearby and if you run low on ammo, then more will appear. Yay. When Emma gets to the second fence Snake calls you up to say that he's in position to give covering fire. Call him up and he will say he will show you some 'real sniping'. Any enemy you aim for (guard or Cypher), Snake will blast away at it, but help him if there are too many for him to handle. On the third section of the fence are some more Claymores, so take them out before Emma gets there or it's game over. When Emma gets about halfway across the third fence a cut-scene starts and Vamp reappears. He holds Emma hostage so you need to put a few bullets in his face. Be careful not to hit Emma. Pop some PENTAZEMIN and get shooting. Once he's dead, watch the cut-scene.
Once the cut-scene ends you'll be back in Strut E with 300 seconds to get to Shell 1 Core, B2. Exit the small room, pick up the SOCOM AMMO and then go through the door on the left. Go up the stairs into the Parcel Room and use the door on the bottom right to get out to the bridge.
Shoot the Cyphers then head over and into Core. Watch out for gaps in the bridge!
Head inside and turn on your MINE DETECTOR as some Claymores have been laid. Go into the elevator and watch the cut-scene during which you'll be placed inside Arsenal Gear.
More lengthy cut-scenes during which Solidus will try to strangle you. Press TRIANGLE in rapid succession to hold your breath and survive this torture. Eventually you'll be released so pick up the RATION from under the desk, open the locker to find some COLD MEDICINE then go through the door. Log into the Node then head through the next door.
The Colonel will now keep calling you with increasingly strange messages. You can ignore them but some are worth listening to for sheer comedy value. Make your way to the other end of this long room, avoiding guards as you go. Go up the stairs at the end, avoid the guards and cameras up here then go down the corridor on the right and through the door at the end.
Once in here, answer every Codec call you receive until Rose calls, after which there will be a cut-scene. Snake gives you all your equipment back plus the HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE. You get to have a practise with it for a short while, just make sure you don't slash Snake by mistake. After a while, a cut- scene will start.
You must make your way through this room while killing every one of the truck loads of guards, Snake will also help you. Use the M4 or AKS-74u and whenever you run out of ammo, Snake will give you more. Also, put on the BODY ARMOUR to give you some more protection. Use the various crates as cover and advance with Snake. At the end, the 'ALERT' bar will go down, after which you can go through the door.
Pick up the RATION and go through the doorway into the circular room. Watch the cut-scene and kill the hoards of guards that surround you. While Snake blasts away at them, use your HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE to kill the soldiers, as it gives you more freedom of movement. At some point, the 'Mission Failed' screen will appear, but it says 'Fission Mailed' instead. Don't worry you haven't died, just continue fighting using the small screen in the corner until it returns to normal. After a few minutes of hardcore fighting, a cut- scene will ensue. We're almost home!
The cut-scenes will continue here for a while until some Metal Gear RAYs arrive - this is your next Boss fight.
The only weapon you need here is the STINGER. You'll start against three Metal Gears, which mainly fire rockets and machine guns at you. Chuck a CHAFF GRENADE every now and again to scramble their radars and prevent them from using rockets against you. The best way to kill them is to shoot them in the leg first, making them open their big, metal mouths. Fire a rocket into their mouth (be quick) to do some serious damage. Damage all three equally until one jumps into the centre, where you can finish it off. Another will them jump into the centre. Avoid it's feet as it can stamp on you and kill you. Since you've already damaged it, it won't take too much to destroy it. When one is destroyed, another will appear and take it's place. If you run low on RATIONS and AMMO, more will appear in the centre as the fight progresses. Once you've destroyed five, another cut-scene will start.
You'll have to survive another torture session from Solidus, so tap TRIANGLE repeatedly to hold you breath.
After yet another cut-scene you'll end up here.
This is the final battle and all you can use is the High Frequency Blade. Solidus is very good at blocking and most of the time it's tough to hit him. The best thing to do is punch and kick him, then slash him a couple of times while he's off balance. The cartwheel can also be effective, so use that as often as you can. He has some nasty attacks that you'll want to avoid - he slides across the ground, leaving a trail of fire as he goes, he uses his tentacle arms to strangle you (press TRIANGLE as usual). He also jumps up, grabs the wall and launches himself back down on top of you, and fires missiles from his tentacles which, fortunately for you, can be easily avoided. At some point during the fight Solidus will discard his tentacle arms and start charging across the roof. There is a RATION in the top corner if you need it. Be careful not to fall off the roof - Raiden will sometimes hold on, but not always. Once he's defeated, watch the REALLY long cut-scenes.
Bandana (gives you infinite ammo)
Beat the game. Select Tanker. Get over 30 dogtags.
Blue Wig (gives you infinite 02)
Collect all the dogtags.
Brown Wig (unlimited ammo for Raiden)
Beat normal mode with more than 100 dogtags
Orange Wig (infinite grip)
Beat the game with 150 dogtags.
Grip yourself over behind the caged fence when you start with Raiden.
Stealth Camo
Beat the game. Select Tanker. Get more than 60 dogtags.
Stealth Camo #2
Beat the game with 120 dogtags.
You do pull-ups by:
Hang from a rail and switch to FPV. Then press the L2 and R2 buttons together
to start doing pull-ups. If you keep this up and accustom Snake's muscles to
this kind of tension, they will toughen up and allow a longer lasting Grip
Grip levels
To unlock grip level 2 do 100 pull ups. To unlock grip level 3, first obtain grip level 2, and then do 100 more pull ups. In order to get your grip higher faster without doing pull-ups, drop from a railing and grab on to another railing as you are falling ten times. Doing 100 pull ups after unlocking grip level 3 will prompt your CO to tell you to move on.
Reference: metalgear.wikia.com