Thursday, September 11, 2008


ArmsTech Industries was a military weapons manufacturing company with its main office in Seattle, Washington. It achieved rapid growth during the Cold War in what was a boom time for the arms industry, and became the second largest arms manufacturer in the world. ArmsTech was involved in the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and the rail gun, but they suffered an enormous financial loss when those projects were terminated after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent thaw between relations of the superpowers. Moreover, although ArmsTech led the world in the development of stealth technology, in the late 1990's/early 2000's they experienced tremendous economic difficulty because of their failure in their bid to manufacture the USAF's next line of main fighter planes, the Fighter Plane X. At this moment, Armstech was on the verge of bankruptcy.

In 2002, Armstech proposed the Metal Gear project to DARPA, and proceeded with it's development. Armstech and DARPA were in collusion. They were creating REX to secretly promote a nuclear installation plan in an attempt to overcome a global trend of military downsizing. The Metal Gear project was a Black Project to cover up the collusive relationship between DARPA and ArmsTech.

In 2005, it was revealed that ArmsTech was using a nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska to develop Metal Gear REX and a new type of nuclear weapon that was virtually untraceable and could not be intercepted. The Metal Gear was being developed by Hal Emmerich who was unaware he was developing a nuclear weapon, instead thinking he was developing a machine to shoot down other missiles for defensive purposes.