Wednesday, November 19, 2008


EVA, later known as Big Mama, was a Cold War-era female spy and a femme fatale, who fought alongside Big Boss during Operation Snake Eater posing as a KGB agent.

In 1964 she claimed to be EVA, one of the NSA code breakers whom defected in September 1960 along with ADAM, and assisted Naked Snake in his mission at Tselinoyarsk. She had also infiltrated Volgin's fortress of Groznyj Grad by pretending to be Sokolov's lover and used her position there to help Snake. In actuality, she had been sent by the Chinese People's Liberation Army to infiltrate Groznyj Grad and steal The Philosopher's Legacy from Volgin.

She was actually a spy for the Chinese People's Liberation Army and was on a mission to obtain The Philosophers Legacy which she stole from Big Boss. She disappeared soon afterward. She is the surrogate mother of Solid Snake and Liquid Snake.